The next Board meeting is Tuesday December 5th at 4pm at the Clubhouse Ballroom North.
Have a great evening!
The next Board meeting is Tuesday December 5th at 4pm at the Clubhouse Ballroom North.
Have a great evening!
This is just a reminder that Veteran's Day is this Saturday 11/11. Please communicate with your vendors and reschedule as needed as vendors are not permitted.
Thanks for your cooperation and enjoy the rest of your week and this beautiful weather.
Holiday Events are in full swing!
Breakfast with Santa!
Sunday, December 3, 2023; 9am - 1 pm
Save the Date for the Holiday Coffee!
Friday, December 8, 2023; 9am - 11am
More details to follow.
Please check your email for the Board Packet with Zoom information for the upcoming Board Meeting on Thursday 10/26 starting at 4pm.
We look forward to seeing you there.
Street sealing will be next week October 9 – 13 for the streets that were repaved last year. Attached is the map to see if your home will be affected.
Please have your trash out early on Monday and Wednesday for early pick up to ensure you don't get missed. Bulk trash will be picked up on Tuesday as scheduled just at an earlier time.
During this process, please pay attention the signs that will be out in the community advising of road closures and traffic redirection and/or changes in the entrance and exit at the main entrance on 118th St..
Also attached is a more detailed information notice.
Thanks for your patience during this time and have a wonderful evening!