Speed-monitoring equipment is being installed at two locations within Ancala, on 116th Street at Sweetwater, and on 120th Street south of Columbine. These solar-powered devices use infrared sensors to
detect speed, and cameras to record speeding vehicles. They are part of an ongoing effort to reduce speeding and enhance safety in Ancala.
The program is being rolled out in two phases. The initial phase will involve only observing vehicle speeds to gather average speed data and evaluate the equipment operation. Later, after details of our speed enforcement policy have been publicized, violation notices and/or fines will be issued to speeders. Watch for details on the enforcement policy in the near future.
Speeding has been an ongoing issue at several locations in Ancala, supported by traffic count studies performed in 2017 and 2020. Research supporting the effectiveness of speed monitors has shown a reduction of speeding vehicles by up to 65%. “Radar” enforced speed monitoring has been in Ancala for many years and is noted on signs at each gate. In the past, a roving guard with a radar gun has been used to limited effect and at significant expense. Our goal with this program is to provide a more efficient and effective means of enforcing our speed limit, making Ancala’s streets a safe place to drive, walk and ride.