The way you submit approval requests for architectural changes to your home has recently been modified. The fees for anything other than remodeling or additions have been reduced, and at the same time, the forms used to submit requests have been modified to include the new fee structure and to provide more guidance on the submittal process.
There are two different forms… one used exclusively for those wanting only to re-paint their house, and another for those requesting any other improvements, from landscaping changes to major remodels.
- Re-Painting – Application Fee $50 (non-refundable). This fee reduction was effective August 29, 2023. If you applied for re-painting after that date and paid the old $250 fee, you will be receiving a $200 reimbursement soon.
- Other Improvements
- Remodel or Addition – Application Fee $2,750 ($500 is refundable if work is approved).
- All Other Improvements (landscape/hardscape, solar, roof tile replacement, awnings, etc.)
- Application Fee $50 (non-refundable).
- An additional non-refundable $450 will be applied if the ACC requires the services of a hired professional architect or engineer to review the application.
- This fee reduction was effective December 5, 2023. If you applied after that date and paid the old $500 fee, you will be receiving a $450 reimbursement if professional services were not required.
New Notification Forms: There are also three new forms to be used for notifying the HOA of certain situations. If you have work either inside or outside your home that requires any of the things listed below, there is a Notification Form that must be filled out and submitted ahead of time. There is no fee for any of these.
- Road work such as digging a trench in the street (Form F-3 - Road Work Notification.pdf)
- Large crane lifting for things like AC units or trusses (Form F-4 – Crane Lift Notification.pdf)
- Dumpsters and/or Porta-A-Pottys (Form F-5 - Dumpster - Port-a-Potty Notification.pdf)
Form Location: All of the forms mentioned above are now available from the TMT Portal. They are also available from the Community Manager at the East Gate.
Portal Location: Documents>Forms>ARC.
Revised Standards Document: A revision to the Architectural Design and Maintenance Standards (often called the Architectural Guidelines) has been created. It includes all the changes described in this notice, plus a few others, and is now available on the Portal.
Portal Location: Documents>Governing Documents>ARC
Look for more details in the upcoming HomeTimes.